Members of the Standing Committee
Prof. Eva Alcón, rector of Universitat Jaume I
Vice Presidents
Prof.ª José Antonio Mayoral, Rector of the Universidad de Zaragoza
Prof.ª Rosa Visiedo, Rector of the Universidad CEU San Pablo
Prof. Amaya Mendikoetxea, Rector of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Prof. Laia de Nadal, Rector of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Prof. Francisco Oliva, Rector of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Prof. Vicente Atxa, rector of the Mondragon Unibertsitatea
Delegate for Equality Policies and coordination of Next Generation Funds
Prof.ª Eva Ferreira, Rector of the UPV/EHU
Delegate for the development of University Law (LOSU)
Prof. José Luján, Rector of the Universidad de Murcia
Secretary General
Mª Teresa Lozano Mellado

General Assembly

Crue’s General Assembly is the highest governing body of the institution. It is made up of the 76 rectors of member universities and its mandate includes overseeing the organisation, functioning and activities of the asociacion, for which it elects the members of its governing bodies and other representatives. Through agreements and declarations, the General Assembly plays a role in communicating its position on different issues that affect Higher Education. The General Assembly approves the statutes, normative framework, annual budget, or the Annual Work Plans of its Sectorial Commissions, among other.

Standing Committee

Crue’s Standing Committee is the body commissioned with managing and representing the institution’s interests in accordance with the General Assembly’s guidelines. It is constituted by the President, two Vice Presidents, four Spokepersons, the Secretary General and three Executive Vice Presidents -delegates of the President with executive capacity and voice, but no vote.